Thursday, 29 April 2010


“L-O-V-E” is a simple word for man and woman on their mindset. How far do you understand about love and what is the real meanings of love to you? Many man and woman said that love is about caring, honest and trust, giving and taking, helping each other, respect, making dream and reaching together, and connecting two heart between yours and your couple, but how far we caring to our couple? How deep we honest and trusting to our couple? How much we should giving, whether it is sufficient and what we expecting from our couple? How ways we honor our couple? How many dream we has build with our couple and try to get it together? How strong connection between our heart with our couple?. Now what is the real meanings of love to you?

You will know after you finish reading this..... “Perhaps”

-Base on the true story- "Presents..... "


Today is my last day of school at Religious Schools Irshadiah Addiniah, because the end of school holidays will start tomorrow and I will move to a new school closer with my house. My heart so sad to leave school and friends who have created bitter and sweet memories with me in the Irshadiah.

A month has passed, I felt very fast time flies. I got up early this morning at 06.00am with the hope that perhaps I could adapt to the new school in my future. After finished my shower and meet my obligations to God, I immediately prepared to go to school.

After registering my name at the Office of the School Seri Muara, at 08.00am. Mr Ahmad has led me to the class that has been set for me and after the orientation session is finished, I started my learning session as usual.

While other students are busy eating at the school canteen during a break at 10.00am, I just sit in class with my Malay Literary Books, as there is no appetite to eat. Few minutes later I heard a voice laughing quite spoiled in my ear and when I looked towards the voice, I seemed stunned when I saw a beautiful girl like a angel in my eyes, while his laughter was like a bird chirp sound singing joy in my ear lobe, showing enough sweet smile captured my heart without my even realizing it published a smile on my lips that are not directly thrill my man.

Clock showed at 11.05pm but the eye feels so hard to shut because her face in the blossom with a smile and laughter always jump to mind every time I try to close the eyes.

"What would the girl's name" I own monologue.

"NUR!! Nur her name, if not mistaken a friend her mentioned the name of Nur, it must be the name of that girl." I assume.

"Nur which means light, is best suited to the owner's name. Giving a light to those who see the happy face and the beautiful smile." I smile alone, I feel my heart grew like a flower after the rain, having to know her name.

"Come in my dream" I sleep that night, in the presence of a beautiful dream.

About a month and a half I was at my new school, many things that I learned about Nur, she is the eldest sister of five siblings, was born in February, stars of aquarius, intelligent, gentle, sweet, well-mannered, trendy but appropriate to its status as a Muslim, like a beautiful maidens, who keeps a pair of beautiful eyes, has an attractive nose, lips are like rubies bloom, has a white and fluffy skin, perhaps because she is a mixture of the Malay Peninsula on his father while his mother was a native son Sarawak, it is not surprising if Nur is a dream the boys in my school.

Today is the birthday of the 16th Nur. If calculated, Nur actually about six months older than me.

"What I care about? Besides not so much age difference between me and Nur, about six months, although she was six years older than my age already, I am concerned about what?" My brain is busy making a conclusion. Incidentally, the day of birth Nur is the same day for lovers.

"I care about what? I am not trying to celebrate the Day of Love, but I want to celebrate the birthday of her." I complete the final five sentences with a smile full of implied meaning.

"Happy Birthday Nur"

Nur seem surprised, and ripple of his face was like trying to guess who is the person who has put the cards in the drawer of his table and in the bottom right corner of the greeting card writing.

"From Your Secret Admire"

I reflect on the Nur behavior, although I am happy because I know that Nur has been reading my cards, but my subconscious said.

"You cowardly one!! Why do not you give yourself?"

Month after month has passed, tomorrow will be the middle of the school holidays start. I will always miss her face, smile and laughter from her. Is not it, I did not try to approach Nur and expressed my feelings on her, but every time my eye with her to express my feelings. My breathing seems to stop while my mouth was numb as though unable to speak the word, because for me Nur was a girl who just perfect in the eyes of man and whether I am a men who is just perfect in the eyes of a girl like her.

"In every bunch there's always one who stands out. And that's you..."

"Owh!!! I madly in love with you Nur ... don't you get it?"

Do not stop this heart to mention your name,

Do not stop this heart beats by miss strike.

Not affordable for me to state my feelings because;

p / s: psst ... I already have the answers...

In joy mixed with sorrow

For about a week I hold a great thirst for self-Nur. My desire is finally released, as the school will start tomorrow.

I wake up with great enthusiasm, because today I will see her again after almost a week hold longs. My habit to leave a little later for rest, just to see Nur, but today I feel weird. "Why, Nur is not visible across my class?" I am not aware of possible Nur across my class because my eyes can not be separated from looking outwards.

"Nur is not so healthy? Whether that result, she did not able go to the canteen today?"

Feeling worried immediately attacked my nerves and minds. Without wasting time I go to her class, suddenly my ceased from move when I heard the voice of my desire is very lively conversation with a men who is given the title "Abang" with laughter that was me wait to hear it. My feet want to move the weight to make sure whether it's the voice of Nur and a men who her called "Abang" was.

"I really believe that the voice belongs to Nur, but who is that guy? Why they seem so friendly? What the relationship between them?

Colors in the heart turn so lonely as inanimate,

The eye will fall making the sleep very tight.

The face angel shower me with its gently smile,

To the dream island I go and the brave mighty knight.

Nur is still strong in my heart until now, even if only just a dream and a dream is just the heart of me.

"Today is a day when you live me end, the love will live forever till the end and I love you to the end day."

Hopefully there is hope for us in the future.....

Do not stop this heart to mention your name,

Do not stop this heart beats by miss strike.

Not affordable for me to state my feelings because;

"NUR" You out of my league.

The End

Written by: AHMaR

Now what is the real meanings of love to you? The real meanings of love is not just about caring, honest and trust, giving and taking, helping each other, respect, making dream and reaching together, connecting two heart and it's not about the sacrifice that the author did, but the real meanings of love is "QUESTION" you know why? I do not think you know, because you seem confused. From the beginning to the end of the story, you see so many questions that authors write but no one has the answer. More and strong we love someone, more of numerous and difficult question must we answer it. Every person, whether man or woman has different questions and responses. I can not answer it for you and for others so do you, because I am not a lover but I know how to loving.

Questions is in your heart and your heart can only answer it, if you really understand and know what, why and how much the questions in your heart, then find and make the right decision. So!! well done, now you have discovered what is the real meanings of love.

Do you want to know:

-Who is the author and what does he name?

-What is the real Nur names?

-Is it possible there is a ray of hope in their love?

-Answer to all questions that writer write?

-How the full story and the end of this love story?

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